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How to Keep Your Carport in Excellent Condition

April 17, 2024

Carports offer handy shelter for ride storage. However, they also endure extreme weather and wear over the years. You may be wondering what you can do to get the most out of your carport. With just a few preventative actions outlined here, you'll extend your carport's structural life and keep it functioning beautifully.

Check for Erosion, Splits, or Sagging

Water, debris, and gravel tend to lead to the breakdown of carports, even when they're reinforced with steel or wooden structures. Periodically inspect around poles or posts and roof lines for visible cracking, erosion, ground sinking, or compromised seals. If sides look indented, bowed, or precarious, invest in carport repairs or rebuilds before collapses happen. Hitting a flimsy spot with a repair patch now prevents total replacement urgency down the road.

Reinforce Concrete Footings

Nearly invisible underground, yet crucial in preventing tipping or collapse issues, are your car port's concrete anchor points outlining the structure's perimeter. Your local experts can detect depth and inspect conditions to determine whether poured footings meet the current building code or need reinforcement via stabilization systems. After decades of freeze-thaw-refreeze or poor drainage washing away supportive soil density, even robust concrete fails. Fortifying footings beneath carports prevents dismantling and pouring everything totally new.

Keep the Roof Watertight

Neglecting protective seals or seam tape paves the way for eventual leaks, wood rot, and mold formation. Grime can be cleaned with power sprayers or chemical washes before it penetrates and causes systemic harm. Ensure any loose screws, missing parts, or separations at joints get re-sealed to create a water-tight barrier again. Remaining proactive on repairs reduces major replacement urgency and protects vehicles from flooding or corrosion.

Regular maintenance and repairs keep carports standing for years beyond initial expectations. According to Old Cars, an online collectible car resource, carports can last an average of six to 25 years, depending on the size, the quality of the construction materials, the environmental conditions of the local area, and the regular maintenance and repairs performed. Keep this all in mind when inspecting your carport. If you're looking for more helpful tips, reach out to Itiel's Carports & Metal Buildings LLC today. We can get you started with a free estimate on a new carport!

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